Welcome to Our DUI Law Firm

Jacksonville DUI Sentence Attorney

In 2009, Florida had the third-highest number of traffic fatalities in the United States—nearly a third of these accidents were alcohol-related. With statistics like these, it’s no wonder that Florida is one of the harshest states when it comes to DUI laws. Even a first-time offender with no other marks on his record can face jail time, a mandatory period of license suspension, and mandatory ignition interlock device installment once his license is restored. According to Florida law, § 316.193:

(2) ...Any person who is convicted of a violation of subsection (1) [driving under the influence] shall be punished:

Our DUI Attorney Defense Charges of All Severities

If you have been convicted of three DUI offenses within ten years, you could be labeled a “habitual offender.” From then on, you could be subject to a felony charge and even harsher sentencing if you are convicted again. The law states that:

As you can see, a DUI charge should never be taken lightly. Even if it is your first run-in with the law, you could face a serious sentence that can forever alter the course of your life. Even a misdemeanor DUI on your record can follow you for years to come, affecting everything from your ability to work in your chosen field to your ability to find affordable health insurance. If you are facing DUI charges, it is crucial that you fight your charges as soon as possible with the help of a skilled Jacksonville DUI lawyer. The attorneys with our firm are ready to fight for you and help get back to your life as quickly as possible. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a top Jacksonville DUI lawyer today.